Schedule and Slides

Week of Monday Monday class Thursday class
11/04 Introduction

Alloy - bring your laptop

Introduction to Alloy

18/04 no class

Alloy - bring your laptop

exercise 1


no class - Holiday

Alloy engine - bring your laptop

exercise 2, Alloy engine

02/05 Alloy engine

Test-case generation - bring your laptop

exercise 3

09/05 Test-case generation - TestEra Test-case generation - Korat

Korat - bring your laptop

exercise 4

Korat - bring your laptop

exercise 5

23/05 no class Test-case generation - AsmLT
30/05 Test-case generation - JCrasher no class - Holiday
06/06 no class

Randoop - bring your laptop

exercise 6

13/06 no class - Holidy Test-case generation - Randoop
20/06 Test-case generation - Rostra, Symstra no class - Holiday
27/06 Test-case generation - Symstra, Cute

Dynamic Alloy models - bring your laptop

exercise 7

04/07 Bounded verification - Jalloy no more classes



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