Automated Software Analysis Group
Title Author Source

Tianhai Liu, Shmuel Tyszberowicz, Mihai Herda, Bernhard Beckert, Daniel Grahl and Mana Taghdiri

2th Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering Theories, Tools and Applications

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mana Taghdiri, Mihai Herda

7th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM), Pasadena,  April  2015

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mattias Ulbrich, Christoph Gladisch, Shmuel Tyszberowicz, Mana Taghdiri

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics, 2014-3, 2014

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mattias Ulbrich, Christoph Gladisch, Shmuel Tyszberowicz, Mana Taghdiri

6th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM), 2014

Daniel Grunwald, Christoph Gladisch, Tianhai Liu, Mana Taghdiri, Shmuel Tyszberowicz

10th Haifa Verification Conference (HVC), 2014

Tianhai Liu, Mateus Araujo, Marcelo d‘Amorim, Mana Taghdiri

10th Haifa Verification Conference (HVC), 2014

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mattias Ulbrich, Mana Taghdiri, Mihai Herda

11th International Workshop on Satisfiability
Modulo Theories (SMT), 2013
Markus Iser, Carsten Sinz, Mana Taghdiri

16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), 2013 

Emina Torlak, Mana Taghdiri, Greg Dennis, Joseph Near

Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, volume 23, issue 04, pp. 915-933, 2013.

Markus Iser, Mana Taghdiri, Carsten Sinz

15th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), 2012

Tianhai Liu, Michael Nagel, Mana Taghdiri

5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012

Mattias Ulbrich, Ulrich Geilmann, Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mana Taghdiri

18th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), 2012

Mattias Ulbrich, Ulrich Geilmann, Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mana Taghdiri

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical Report 2011-37, 2011

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Ulrich Geilmann, Mattias Ulbrich, Mana Taghdiri

Dependable Software for Critical Infrastructures (DSCI), 2011

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mana Taghdiri

17th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM), 2011.

Mana Taghdiri, Gregor Snelting, Carsten Sinz

7th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST), 2010

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mana Taghdiri

Automated Formal Methods (AFM), 2010

Mana Taghdiri

Emerging Research Directions in Computer Science - The Young Informatics Faculty at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2010

Mana Taghdiri, Daniel Jackson

 Journal of Automated Software Engineering (JASE)– Special issue on selected papers, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2007. (A preliminary version published in ASE’04.)

Mana Taghdiri, Robert Seater, Daniel Jackson

International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2006

Mana Taghdiri

International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2004. (distinguished paper award)

Mana Taghdiri, Franjo Ivancic

NEC Laboratories America, Inc. Technical report TR-2004-L070, 2004

Mana Taghdiri, Daniel Jackson

International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE), 2003

Ilya Shlyakhter, Robert Seater, Daniel Jackson, Manu Sridharan, Mana Taghdiri

International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2003. (distinguished paper award)

Ramtin Khosravi, Mohammad Ghodsi, Mana Taghdiri

International Conference on Computing and Information (ICCI), 2000

Title Author Place

Mana Taghdiri

Sharif University of Technology, Bachelor's thesis, 2001

Mana Taghdiri

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD thesis, 2008

Mana Taghdiri

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Master's thesis, 2002

Michael Nagel 

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Studienarbeit, 2012

Jonathan Best

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Studienarbeit, 2012

Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, PhD thesis, 2015

Mihai Herda

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Master thesis, 2014

Daniel Grunwald

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Master thesis, 2013

Markus Iser 

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Diplomarbeit, 2012

Ulrich Geilmann

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Diplomarbeit, 2011

Maximilian X. Czerny

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Bachelor thesis, 2014

Andreas Fried

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Bachelor Thesis, 2013

Stephan Gocht

 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Bachelor thesis, 2014